Saturday, November 24, 2012

Orientation Interview and Uncle Keeks!

Friday, October 19, 2012
So, before we knew it, Friday was here and it was time for our orientation interview. Our case worker for Ethiopia is Sara - the Ethiopia Team of Lifeline resides in Kentucky. The distance is long and of course we have never met Sara face to face, but in just the few times we have spoken on the phone I feel at peace and encouraged by her.
        On a side note, I must say Lifeline Children Services has been incredible. Every person I have met or spoke with has been genuine. Each person’s heart for the Lord and passion for adoption is evident in only minutes. And as far as customer service, that have been “johnny on the spot” – someone says they will call, they do; someone says they will send you something, the do; they tell you they are there for you and praying for you, they are and you definitely can feel the prayers!
        So back to the orientation interview, it went well. We reviewed over many of details (some we were already aware of, some were new), we answered many questions, received encouragement, and felt accomplished to have finished it! The interview lasted about 2 hours. The questions included an array of topics: How and when did you decide to adopt? Why Ethiopia? How are your families responding to your decisions? Do you take any medicines, if so what? Any medical conditions? Any previous marriages or children? Have y’all been in counseling for anything? Is there anything you would ever divorce your spouse over? Lots of questions, for sure!
        And then as the interview wrapped up, God had more encouragement on the way. We were honored and grateful that God would give us fellowship with Keke for the afternoon! Keke had called Jeremy earlier in the week to see if he was available on this Friday (in Keke's quiet time earlier in the week, he felt as though the Lord was putting Jeremy on his heart and wanted him to visit us), and fortunately (total God thing), it was Jeremy's day off. 
        Our time with Keke was definitely God-ordained! Keke is one of Jeremy’s best friends from high school. We all went to college together. And even though we’ve been busy with life and with the different things God has us doing, we still keep in touch! It has been a privilege to be on the sidelines and see all of what God has done in Keke’s life. I’m honored that Keke shares his life with us. I’ve witnessed so much growth in his life over the years (as I am sure he has in both Jeremy and I too!).
There simply are not words to express the joy and “at home” feeling when you embrace a person who is a partner in the faith and whom you’ve shared life and grown together and both share the same fierce love and commitment to the Lord. Keke is one of these people in our lives!
We talked for two hours, and then once we realized we were starving, we headed to lunch and talked another two hours! After lunch, our time was done, definitely too short, but so coveted.
Thank you Keke for your friendship, transparency, encouragement, support, and mostly, love and commitment to Christ! We love you! The little ones God has for us simply don’t yet know how lucky they will be to have Uncle Keek’s in their lives!
 At Our Wedding 
(About 4 1/2 Years Ago)

College Years - Oldies but Good

I know...lots of pictures! But I love them all, so many good memories! And man oh man, do we need to take more pictures... I don't have anything more recent than these!

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