Sunday, November 11, 2012

If You Say Go, We Will Go

Thursday, October 18th, 2012
        So, tomorrow we have our orientation interview on the phone with the Ethiopia team. And…. the enemy finds a way to discourage me through words and opinions of others. The whole morning, I felt depressed, distracted, and heavy hearted. Lord please give me the grace to simply accept where others are. Lord I pray for peace and understanding in the hearts of those most closely affected by our decision to adopt.
        Well, I definitely had no desire to talk adoption anymore on this particular day. However, after a CPR re-cert class I completed in the morning, I went to the office to finish up some things. Right before leaving Trinvella noticed the necklace Jessica had given me. This naturally opened up adoption discussion and I end-up sharing our journey with her and a handful of other people! My prayer is that all the glory is yours, Lord! May all the glory be given to You! But my conversation with them brought such encouragement!
        Lord, you are so purposeful and intimately involved in my life, thank you! Satan works to discourage me and it never fails, you steadfastly respond with encouragement to affirm that we are right where you want us to be. Your presence is undeniable. Lord I pray for continued strength, encouragement and recognition of Your ever presence during this journey. Lead us Lord!

This is a simple song that I first learned during chapel at college, sweet but powerful worship. The words describe my heart better than I can articulate!

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