Saturday, October 20, 2012

Adoption Journey - Craiglist for A Cause

Saturday, October 6, 2012

So, despite discouragement from the enemy, my confidence on where God has brought us and what He is asking us to do is reassured by the little things in life. I had lunch with Stacie, who is a co-worker and more importantly a friend, on Wednesday. Time had passed since we had last had lunch together and this was the first time I got to share everything about adopting! Stacie has a sweet and giving heart. She simply looks across the table and says “I’ve got tons of stuff I’ve needed to put on craigslist and get rid of; most the stuff is even barely used. If you’re up to it, and want to help me go through it and list it, I’ll give you 50% of we make to go towards the adoption.” What? Double take! Am I really hearing what I think I am. I feel completely humbled. This is how God provides, totally unexpected, from people whose hearts are open to Him.

So as the week comes to an end, and Saturday approaches, my discouraging moments on Friday, leave me thinking should I call Stacie and cancel? ...should I put this whole thing on hold? Jeremy and I sit down and reassess our hearts and God simply gives us both peace- just persevere is what I hear deep in my heart. And then pops up a text from Stacie, saying call me so we can make plans. It is a small, what seems to be meaningless a text, but it is in these small moments that the Lord tells me “this is me, just encouraging you to keep going, don’t give up! I'm right here, keep trusting me.”

So, our plans are on! I hang out with Stacie, her daughter Abbi, and their new puppy Gus for the afternoon. We go through tons of things, organize, fold, take pictures, and post to craigslist. It was simple sweet fellowship with a dear friend, who so kindly is sharing in this journey! God may I give you all the glory and simply say thank you from the depth of my heart to You! 

Forever Grateful!

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