Sunday, November 3, 2013

Orphan Sunday 2013

Today is Orphan Sunday

Technically, this is our second Orphan Sunday to celebrate since beginning the adoption process - but this year, for some reason it seems more relevant to us.

I don't know if it is because we have been in the adoption process for the last year or if we are just more keenly aware of the staggering number of children in need of families or if it is because we have been awakened to our own spiritual orphan-hood and adoption by God.

Nevertheless, orphans are on our heart today, as they are every day. We are praying for God's providence in the lives of His children, whether they are here in the states or abroad in other countries. We pray that His children feel His presence, love, and hope amidst each day. And, we are praying the God continues to guide our steps, as well as, equip us to defend the fatherless in such a way that He is ultimately glorified.

No one can do everything, but everyone can do something!

Lastly, in light of every child who is in need of a family...whether it be a forever family, a family to stand in the gap for only a specified time, or a child who needs to be loved from a distant through sponsorship and prayer...I can't help but think of each of them when I hear this song!

You are a.b.s.o.l.u.t.e.l.y wanted and loved...

1 comment:

  1. Lifting up a prayer for all the orphans...and thankful that God has called you and Jeremy to be parents to someone who is wanted so very you...send me a update via email when you have a minute.
