Friday, September 28, 2012

Adoption Journey - Revealing God's Plan to Mem and Pa

Wednesday, September 26th, 2012

        So, on Friday after meeting with Angie and a busy day all together, Jeremy and I went over to Mem and Pa’s to tell them the first time about the Lord’s answer to our prayers with infertility and the path of adoption that he has been preparing us for. Both had concerns of the adoption process, especially since we have chosen for our first adoption to be international. Jeremy and I listened to their ideas and concerns and understand their concerns reflect probably the thoughts of many. Both were worried about the monumental financial commitment, but we assured them we have a BIG God who we are trusting will provide. It was a lot to take in and they actually responded better than we expected. We are thankful for my sweet grandparents who I know love and care for us more than we could imagine.
But here is the amazing part…on Saturday morning when I woke; I looked at my bible app on my IPOD. The verse of the day was John 14:1, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me”. So I opened the chapter to read it in its entirety, and came to John 14:18,    
“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”

        Is it not incredible how clearly God speaks to us when we are in his word. I have always known that the Lord was intricately involved in my life. I even began declaring a few years ago, that I don’t believe in coincidence, only God’s providence. But it is so true! Thank you Lord for being so very present in our lives and leading us in this journey! We are forever grateful!

        So Jeremy and I went back over to Mem and Pa’s Saturday night. Mem was sitting on the back step smoking and when we came through the back gate said, “I am so glad y’all came on over, I was just praying for your baby.” Don’t I have a precious Mem. I told her I was thankful for her prayers and that we were praying too, for that sweet baby and birthmother. I even declared how special it will be to tell our child that we were praying for him/her before they were even conceived. Mem said “yep, God tells us He knew us before we were even formed”. 

My precious Mem

Lord, thank you for loving us so much that you would give us the assurance that you knew of us and loved us before we were even formed!

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