Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Gloomy Days and Bluegrass Music

It has been very cold and gloomy here over the past several days. I simply can't believe it's mid- March and we still have temperatures in the 40s! I am definitely ready for springtime. However, I do love the mountains and for some reason, the crisp, cold air and rain reminds me of the mountains...and some bluegrass music definitely makes me think about the mountains. So in the midst of hope being deferred, I ran across this song by Alison Krauss the other day and absolutely love it. The lyrics articulate my heart perfectly.

"Jesus Help Me To Stand"

Through trials, troubles and care
I know Jesus my savior is there
Giving me faith through darkest days
Keeping me on the narrow way

Jesus savior, help me each day
Fill me with hope, fill me with faith
Darkness retreats at the touch of Your hand
Jesus savior, help me to stand

Jesus lived through darkest pain
Rejected by men, despising the shame
Man of sorrows, acquainted with grief
He gave his life so we may be free

Jesus savior, help me each day
Fill me with hope, fill me with faith
Darkness retreats at the touch of Your hand
Jesus savior, help me to stand

I know that Jesus died for me
Cancelled my debt at Calvary
Rose from the dead, unlocked Heaven's door
Trust in his love and live evermore

Jesus savior, help me each day
Fill me with hope, fill me with faith
Darkness retreats at the touch of Your hand
Jesus savior, help me to stand

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hope Deferred

Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick,     but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.

There has been no movement (a.k.a referrals) within the months of January or February. *Sigh* 
I honestly feel kinda of hopeless about the whole thing. The lack of referrals is definitely not due to the lack of children in need of forever families, but instead a gridlock of politics. The dynamics in Ethiopia seem much more convoluted then simply processing paperwork and referring children in need of adoption. 
Not sure what to do next...
except that I know my hope is definitely deferred for the time being.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Guatemala - Feb 2014

So, every February for the last seven years, I've gone on a medical mission trip to Guatemala. Laura and I started going as nursing students and have continued going each year. Its an awesome trip and I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to go! Since returning home this year, I decided I needed to take the time to document the experience. So this photo book is a compilation of the past 7 years!

Shutterfly photo books offer a variety of layouts and cover options to choose from.